I bought a book today called Twenty Years at Hull House by Jane Addams. I read it and it is simply wonderful! It talks about her experiences working at Hull House, a building that houses new immigrants until they can provide for themselves. It was amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone. Jane also believes in social gospel, which means influencing Jesus Christ into every aspect of life. She highly supports the progressive movement.
I also recently subscribed to McClure's Magazine. I bought it for fifteen cents! It was a great deal, and it has a ton of information in it.
McClure's magazine is filled with amazing articles by famous authors, including Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of the Sherlock Holmes series. If you haven't read them, you should! They are spectacular.
Ida Tarbell also had an article in here awhile back. I have already addressed her in an earlier blog. She used McClure's to gain her fame and help break up the standard oil company. She is one of the most well known journalists for this magazine.
Over the past years, McClure's has been losing its business to The American Magazine. I personally think McClure's covers better reports and is more accurate. I certainly hope they don't go out of business.
Next week I will have a more detailed post. I haven't been as busy with investigations and I have started to wonder whether or not anything is going to happen! I hope all of you have a pleasant week.
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